Making memories with your family this Christmas

I remember as a young woman hearing an older woman say, “Don’t wait for memories to happen. Your most important memories will be made.” She went on…

Remember when summer was relaxing?

It’s clearly a new day when it comes to planning out our kids’ summer. My memory may fail me, but I can’t remember one time when I overheard my…

Becoming sensitive to God’s presence in a hypersensitive world

“What do you think this is? Chuck E. Cheese?”  My mom used to say things like that when us kids would be climbing on sofas and jumping off chairs—in…

3 Keys to Unlocking Your Family’s Calling—And Your Own

Do you know what has been googled more than 403 million times?  The question: “What is my calling?”  Millions of people are asking what…

Authenticity Anyone?

The longer I walk this earth and parent and spend time with people, the more I realize how desperately we crave authenticity in our relationships.…

A Time To Rest (Said No Parent Ever)

I’ve never really been a fan of January. Something about the letdown after Christmas, my clothes not fitting, our bank account gasping, pine needles…

‘Meet them with Jesus’: Responding Biblically to Our Kids’ Problems

When people ask me what’s the best parenting advice I’ve been given, I never know what to say because I have the amazing privilege of hearing so…

No Comparison

I’m guessing I’m not the only one who struggles with the temptation to compare myself to others. Honestly, comparison in one of the biggest…

Authenticity Anyone?

The longer I walk this earth and parent and spend time with people, the more I realize how desperately we crave authenticity in our relationships.…