The race to claim the next generation of Christians

The race to claim the next generation of Christians

Have you heard the phrase, “The early bird gets the worm”? How about “Early to bed and  early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise”? Or…

Talking with your kids about the war in Israel

Talking with your kids about the war in Israel

If you’re like me, you are feeling a plethora of emotions as you watch the news unfold about the war in Israel. I feel overwhelmed as I think about…

Trusting God with our children by stepping back in full faith

Trusting God with our children by stepping back in full faith

As parents ingrained with the need to protect our children at all costs, it can feel impossible to take a step back and allow them to struggle…

Overcoming the spirit of fear with children

Overcoming the spirit of fear with children

“What do you want the judge to decide in court tomorrow?” my daughter asked. “Whatever God wants, I want.” “But what do you think will happen?” “I…

Helping our children with the “worries”

Helping our children with the “worries”

Bad things happen. And our children know it. To be fair, they know it to greater or lesser degrees depending upon their age, maturity,  exposure to…

How God fills our hearts: And a special Valentine’s dessert

How God fills our hearts & a special Valentine’s dessert

Ever wonder why we can achieve goals or obtain coveted material possessions, yet still feel like something is missing? There are many things in life…

I'm afraid to have kids and that's okay

I'm afraid to have kids and that's okay

I always thought I would go to college, find my husband, graduate, get married, and have my first baby by the time I turned twenty-five. If there was…

Transitions: Finding peace in the in-between

Finding peace in the midst of transitions

Out of all four seasons, summer and fall typically carry with them the most transitions. And in parenting, we experience the joys and challenges of…

What We Really Want for Mother’s Day: More Peace

What we really want for Mother’s Day: More peace!

The news hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of me. I was afraid to breathe and afraid to blink, knowing the tears would start…