Running into grace

A common misconception about my family is that since both of my grandfathers were evangelists and preachers, everyone in the family must be saints.…

Summer traditions: Teaching our children to pray for the world

Summer traditions: Teaching our children to pray for the world

I would love to travel the world with my kids.  I imagine we’d get lost down colorful alleys, pop into restaurants beckoning us with the smell of…

Simply enjoying your children: A father’s advice for love and joy

“Tell me you are from a small town without saying you are from a small town . . . .” “Tell me you are married without saying that you are married . .…

Struggle well: Fatherhood, love, and grace

Fatherhood is a struggle.  Don’t get me wrong. It is glorious, exhausting, worthwhile, exasperating, a blessing, and painful.  It is all of those…

Surrendering our children to God means surrendering their entitled lives

Surrendering our children to God means surrendering their entitled lives

It was by all accounts an idyllic day.  The sky arching over the ocean was clear, cerulean blue after a week of heavy clouds and drenching afternoon…

Hockey, Slurpees, and Jesus: Everyday faith adventures with our kids

Ice-level hockey in face masks. That was this season.  With use of distancing on benches, strict rink regulations, juggling gearing up outdoors in…

Giving ourselves grace

I recently received an email invitation for a gathering to encourage women in younger life stages about womanly issues, specifically “embracing…

How to talk to your kids about depression and suicide: Three questions for parents to ask

A recent survey by Active Minds found that 80 percent of college students have experienced some negative impact to their mental health during the…

When your child has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder

The church was packed. The music was loud. Lily clasped her hands over her ears and started to shake. Her father gave her a pair of earphones and…