Raising Patriots

Our kids are hearing a lot of rhetoric these days on the news, in school, around the dinner table, and even in church. Kids tend to believe what they…

Groundbreaking Pilot's Advice for Dads

Karen Borta, the CBS anchor, said, “I need a piece of paper. I have to write that down.” CBS had just finished airing a segment about Lou Freeman, a…

Free Fun for the Summer Budget

The kids are HOME!  The electric bill has doubled, the grocery bill has tripled, and the noise level is . . . okay, you get the picture. The summer…

What should kids know about Memorial Day?

Kids probably think Memorial Day is about a day of vacation, barbeques, parades, and the chance to hang the flag out on the front porch. Parents tend…

Should teenagers get a summer job?

In 1978 almost seventy-two percent of our teenagers got a summer job. Today, that number is about twenty-eight percent. Different reasons are given…

Teaching Kids to Think

One of the most difficult months of the teaching year is May. Young kids can’t sit still. Older kids know how to count the days and daydream. High…

The Parents' Club

I recently made a mistake I have made way too often. Most parents make this same mistake because it often goes unreported. The day we meet our…

Can Children Love God?

Hopefully, children experience love and the bonds of love from the time of their birth. Before their first birthday, they have developed smiles and…

A Little Bunny and a Lot of Jesus

Explaining the Easter bunny is a lot like explaining Santa. Santa is easy because that was simply the nickname given for St. Nicholas—who is a great…