Why our college students still need us

Why our college students still need us

My college student bought a rolling cart for her dorm one year. On move-in day, she cleared a space on her crowded suite floor and took the cart out…

Releasing my grip on my almost adult child

Releasing my grip on my almost adult child

My daughter is a “late bloomer” when it comes to driving. Thanks to COVID slowing things down with government agencies, she got a driver’s permit…

The walk that changes everything

The walk that changes everything

The Book of Parenting has so many chapters.  We start the day we find out we are going to be parents thinking of names and planning the nursery. Then…

A 9/11 birth and a coronavirus graduation: How God redeems all he allows

Boy, do I hate snakes.  As a boy momma, I have had to accommodate a few of them over the years. But as a rule, I am not a fan. I know everything…

Missed milestones in the midst of mayhem

I have never hated—I mean really hated—a word before. A word is simply a word, it has no real power. But this word, I hate it.  While I had heard…

God Gave Them Wings

Christian radio stations may cause a certain number of fender benders this month. Every May, they dust off the song “Give Them Wings” by Mark Harris,…