Why learning, forgiveness, and grace are so important in our adoption story

“I wanna take my baby and run.”  This was my thinking when I entered the world of adoption a little more than thirteen years ago. There was so much I…

Adoption and foster care isn’t a have to—it’s a get to

My adopted son popped his sopping wet hand out through the shower curtain, straining as if trying to grasp something.  “Isaac, what do you need?”…

Our ordinary family’s extraordinary foster care journey

This article was original published on November 7, 2016. It’s hard to believe we are approaching eight months of being involved in foster care. It…

Whitewater Parenting

I’ll never forget that evening in early January.  Our young and only child, Matthew, was asleep, and my wife was at a meeting that would run late.…

Christine Caine on Being Unnamed

Last week, we released a new episode of our podcast, Pardon the Mess, with Christine Caine as the featured guest. I hope you take time to listen to…

The Abortion Crisis: When Will Our Outrage Bring Action?

Like all of you, I’ve been brokenhearted this week with the passing of New York’s legislation on abortion. It has rightfully reignited our outrage…