Sibling Rivalry: How to to survive daily conflict

Sibling Rivalry: How to to survive daily conflict

Without notice, a shrieking cry from upstairs fills the house. I brace myself against the kitchen counter waiting to see if the issue will sort…

Remember when summer was relaxing?

It’s clearly a new day when it comes to planning out our kids’ summer. My memory may fail me, but I can’t remember one time when I overheard my…

We still have to do summer?

The only title I’ve held longer than mom is educator.  Beginning as a bilingual teacher, I stepped into my first classroom in the Spring of 1995…

Are Your Kids Sick Of Each Other?

The dog days of summer are upon us. Bedtimes are irrelevant. Kitchen counters are slightly sticky due to left behind snippets of Freezer Pop…

The Parable of the Little Gardeners

The kids just wouldn’t eat the vegetables on their plates. They complained, lost their tempers, and, if possible, fed the green beans, squash, and…

What Are You Willing To Do For Your Kids?

There’s very little we won’t do for our kids. It’s comical to look back on things that seemed perfectly normal at the time but, with a little…

5 Ways to Include Jesus in Your Summer

No early morning alarms, carpool lanes, and homework projects. The unscheduled—or less scheduled—days of summer have begun! You and your kids…

Free Fun for the Summer Budget

The kids are HOME!  The electric bill has doubled, the grocery bill has tripled, and the noise level is . . . okay, you get the picture. The summer…

Should teenagers get a summer job?

In 1978 almost seventy-two percent of our teenagers got a summer job. Today, that number is about twenty-eight percent. Different reasons are given…