Three practical steps to embracing God's plans (and letting go of your own)

“Laney, take your shoes off. Feel the new ground. You have no shoes to fill.”  I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to the pressure I put on myself to…

The cost of controlling our relationships

The cost of controlling our relationships

My middle son, Coen, is constantly breaking his toys. Not on purpose, but by forcing them to bend in directions they were not designed to bend. He…

Learning to drive: Trusting God’s plan for our kids

I went back and forth trying to decide if this article was about my daughter learning to drive or me learning how to be her passenger.  Looking over…

How to avoid power struggles with your children

“I don’t want to take a nap! I am not tired! You are so unfair!”  “I am the only teen in the world who does not have social media! You are so…

Thoughts Between Potty Training and Life360

Our oldest got her driver’s license recently and is navigating the roads on her own. It’s fairly gut-wrenching when you spend your whole life trying…

The Truth About Consequences

When God created your children, He gave them life, breath, a soul, and a free will. No amount of parenting can remove your child’s God-given freedom…

Decide to Discipline: Toddlers

Toddlers learn to control before they learn to communicate. In actuality, tears and tantrums are a form of vocabulary. Think of it as the way your…